#edits: nace week
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seeinganewlight · 1 year ago
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nace week 2023
day 3 → taylor swift ships nace (or other song lyrics)
nace playlist ivy → taylor swift
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guggi04 · 5 months ago
Calling all (18+) Jance fans !!
Join my new server where we’ll talk about deliciously juicy Jance stuff.
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Only a few rules.
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It’s gonna be chill, it’s gonna be 🥵🔥 and it’s gonna be full of amazing Jance fans. I hope to see you there soon!
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magic-number-3 · 2 years ago
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"i love you for free"
- Sleeping with Other People (2015) dir. Leslye Headland
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bess-turani-marvin · 2 years ago
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nancy drew playlist
god, i loved you, babe, did i tell you that? two weeks ago - maisie peters
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s4pphic-sh3nan1gans · 1 year ago
on the floor screaming crying sobbing shaking uncontrollably absolutely dead and deceased after watching the stožice concert film
normal content will resume in 3-5 business days when I recover 😭😭😭
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jokeroutsubs · 4 months ago
Joker Out Media Days Roundup
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Joker Out have been busy with promo the last few weeks- and so have we!
We’ve managed to translate 25 interviews, 10 IG stories/reels, 7 articles, 5 sets of song lyrics, 2 discord videos and make 2 podcast episodes!!
Big thank you to our whole team for the hard work put in for these ‘media days’!
And if you want to find out what goes into each and every translation, check out our backstage video here.
Check out the full round up below the cut, and keep an eye out. Believe it or not, there’s still lots more to come! 👇
Bojan and Jan on 33/45 (5:47, Slovene)
Bojan and Jan on RadioSi (13:50, Slovene)
Joker Out on Toti Radio (15:02, Slovene)
Joker Out on Radio Maribor (35:49, Slovene)
Bojan and Jan on Radio Robin (6:34, Slovene)
Joker Out on Radio Celje (2:16, Slovene)
Bojan and Jure on 'Male sive celice' (1:00, Slovene)
Bojan on Rock Radio (3:42, Slovene)
Bojan and Kris on 'Kod nas doma' (5:49, Croatian)
Bojan and Kris on 'Jutro na Blic' (17:46, Serbian)
Bojan and Kris on Jedan dobar dan (15:36, Serbian)
Joker Out for IN magazine (3:54, Croatian)
Bojan and Kris on Među nama (18:59, Serbian)
Bojan and Jan on Hitradio Center (22:05, Slovene)
Joker Out on 150 minuta (13:56, Serbian)
Joker Out on Kec na 11, K1 Televizija (16:53, Serbian)
Joker Out on Slušaj 'vamo Radio Beograd 202 (15:31, Serbian)
Bojan interview on 24 Minuta (6.26, Serbian)
Bojan and Kris on 'Face nedelje', Rock Radio (25:15, Serbian)
Joker Out on 'Jutro na Planetu', Planet TV (11:08, Slovene)
Bojan on Val 202 (3:24, Slovene)
Bojan on ORadio (6:26, Serbian)
Bojan on Radio Sova (14:28, Croatian)
Radioaktivno (Radio Prlek) Stephanie promo in 8 languages (1:48, Slovene)
IG Story (X link): Bojan and Ruby editing Bluza MV (0:09, Slovene)
Discord content: Joker Out live at Exit (1:25, Serbian)
Discord content: Joker Out live in Zagreb 2023 (0:30, Croatian)
IG Story: Bojan explains the Bluza MV (0:43, Slovene)
IG Reel: Bojan and Jan promoting Novi Sad concert (0:19, Serbian)
IG Story: Bojan promoting the Zagreb concert (0:06, Croatian)
IG Reel: Joker Out A1 Vajb giveaway (0:19, Slovene)
IG Reel: Joker Out for Journal Man (Croatian)
IG Reel: Joker Out Val 202 giveaway (0:25, Slovene)
IG Reel: Joker Out on RTS Zvuk, Radio Beograd (0:43, Serbian)
IG Reel: Bojan and Kris for Muzika.hr (0:27, Croatian)
IG Reel: Joker Out for Val 202 (0:43, Slovene)
IG Reel: Joker Out for Vogue Adria (2:02, Slovene)
Joker Out for Net.hr (Croatian)
Bojan for Onaplus (Slovene) with podcast (13:15)
Kris for ELLE Slovenia (Slovene) with podcast (17:06)
Bojan for Slovenske novice (Slovene)
Joker Out for Journal Man (Croatian)
Joker Out for VOGUE Adria (Serbian, Croatian, Slovene)
Nace for Metropolitan (Slovene)
Souvenir Pop translated lyrics (Serbian, Slovene, English)
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secretsleuthexchange · 4 months ago
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Secret Sleuth 2024: Sign up now! 🕵️‍♀️❄️
The Secret Sleuth Gift Exchange is an online, fanworks-only Secret Santa-style event for the CW Nancy Drew fandom!
What type of gifts can I make?
You will only need to make one gift, which should be a type of fanwork. Whatever type of gift you end up creating, please ensure it meets these parameters:
Fanfiction: 1500 word minimum, 10,000 words maximum. Completed works only.
Graphics/gifsets: 2 image minimum
Fanart: 1 panel minimum 
Playlist: 15 song minimum, 1 cover image, and a link to the playlist on Spotify or Apple Music
Fanvids/edits: A minimum of at least 1m30s of video content, across either 1 or 2 videos
What happens if I sign up?
To sign up, you will need to fill out this form confirming a) what gift types you can create, b) what gift types you would like to receive, and c) basic information about yourself, such as your social media handles and your likes/dislikes.
After sign-ups close, our mod team will create a match and send you all relevant information to help you create your gift. And don't worry: the mod team will only ever match you with someone who wants a gift type that you are capable of creating, so you don't need to worry about making something outside of your comfort zone.
You will then have ~7 weeks to create your gift, which should be posted on an assigned day over 1st-12th January 2025. If your giftee is on tumblr, we encourage you to send them anonymous messages to build excitement and ask them questions to help inspire you!
**Important: Please don't reveal who you are to your giftee until after your gift has been posted. It's called SECRET Sleuth for a reason!**
What's the timeline?
Sign-ups open: October 21st
Sign-ups close: November 4th
You'll receive your match by: November 11th
Check-in #1: December 2nd
Check-in #2: December 16th (for scheduling your posting slot!)
Gifts should be ready by: December 31st
Gifts will be posted over: January 1st-12th 2025
What's different from last year?
This year, we're extending the gift creation window and gifts will be posted later. Instead of posting over the holidays, gifts will be posted starting in January. We hope this will take the pressure off those people who have finals for school, who have to work over the holidays, or who are busy with travel and seeing family, etc. We've also tightened up the gift requirements to ensure everyone gets a gift of similar quality.
How do I sign up?
It's easy! Fill out the sign-up form here. The deadline to sign up is Monday November 4th 2024.
-- The Secret Sleuth Mods xoxo
Join the 'have a nace day' Discord server here / Follow us on Twitter/X here
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j-restlessgeek · 1 month ago
Oh cat jure drawn by my friend @smimon my beloved, just look at him 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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Look at them, look at him !!!!!!!, i loooooooooove his ears and tail 😭😭😭😭😭😭💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻. I looooooooooooooove how you draw him 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛.
Here are links to the pieces to check them out👇👇👇👇
Giant K live stream aka Bojan's story :3
First cat and human jure drawing:
Kiss kiss kitty (valentines day with giant k):
Cat jure does what he wants (v-day giant k):
The sourffering:
Here i would link have a good day jure: if i had a link!!!!! But i can't find that post anymore, tumblr at its finest 😩😩😩. Edit: thanks to @smimon it has been found 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Anyways check my friend out :3333, there is so much more art :333333
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puuta-heinaa · 11 months ago
Joker Out, Paris (Café de la danse) 22.3.2024
I arrived at the venue around 14ish, and was third to last in the EE queue. However queueing is part of the party! I exchanged sooo many bracelets and met amazing people, some of which I just met that day, some I knew from Discord or tumblr or earlier gigs, couldn't have been happier. Got selfies with Bojan and Jan?? Hug from Bojan??? HELLO. That would never happen in Finland. I described his hug as jämäkkä and turvallinen, which roughly translates to sturdy and safe.
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Some of the bracelets I made for the concert!
Met someone in the queue who had hawk's eyes and who encouraged me to go and ask for a selfie with Jan, and later on she spotted Bojan on the street 100 m before everyone else did. I had a chance to give Bojan 3 2 ananaslonkero -bracelet that I'd made, with a tiny drink charm. If the main joke in fandoms is that a hug from your blorbo would cure you? well it's true. Getting a hug from Bojan removed some stiffness between my shoulder blades that I didn't even know was there. It was literally easier to breathe after the encounter. I also kept vigorously shaking for 3-5 minutes afterwards, so much that some people asked if I'm ok. Just released years worth of trauma ig. Also LOTS of happy hand stims throughout the day, my autism was showing lol.
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Jan was outdoors SMOKING!!! And Bojan had charmingly dirty hair! He was taller than I had thought.
ANYways the gig !! I ended up on Jance side, which was nice as I was on Kris' side in Helsinki. Whole stage was about as wide as K-18 section at Kultsa, and I think they suit better on smaller stages.
We got Vem da Gres and Gola in soundcheck! I was wearing Vem da gres -bracelet that I got in Helsinki a few weeks ago and thought about that person for a few seconds!
Gola was ok. Bojan got disney mickey ears, and he was wearing my 3 2 ananaslonkero bracelet. Bojan also got a maca plushie that he was NOT scared of, he even made it fly.
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Kris left the stage as soon as the last notes of Gola were over, other boys stayed jamming in accelerating speed for couple of more minutes. I showed them my UM sign that only read "I want to sing UMAZAN" at that point. :')
20h02 was ok, didn't connect with their music at all though. JC Stewart seemed a bit sick, but sounded good nevertheless. Finished my sign.
They started with Katrina and Bele Sanje, and people were singing even guitar riffs along. Dopamin hit like dopamine followed by Ne bi smel, Nace was staring at me several times during those songs.
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Liinu's superb edit of staring sc Nace and struggling Kris and Arcti's edit about Jan's forgotten library books made my day
People were already singing along to Sta bih ja, and Bojan was sooo happy (and sweaty. We were all very sweaty, the concert hall was ridiculously warm.). Kris disappeared for a moment in the beginning of Sta bih ja, and Bojan looked like a lost puppy (wait, where is kris?? about 5-10 seconds into sta bih ja). Bojan said Kris didn't like how Jan played the riff and that's why he left the stage :P. Jan flipped a bird to him.
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Decibels raised by about 20 when they played Ona and Demoni. Turns out they might be the easiest to sing along for absolutely everyone, not just for people who speak Finnish. Bojan looked me directly into eyes during second verse of Demoni for several seconds, and I felt so seen (in a good way). EE was definitely worth its price.
In Helsinki I felt like the setlist was over before it even started, but in Paris it felt more like we were really dancing and playing until the stars fade. I think it had something to do with how much they interacted with each other and with the public during each song. In Helsinki they seemed like they had forgotten how to be on stage, and there was just TOO MUCH SPACE, whereas Paris had Nordic Tour energy.
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They all moved a LOT on stage!! Kris was on jance side several times! Nace had a mating dance thingy going on with Kris at least twice, Jan once. Jan interacted with the public on Kris's side a few times. Bojan almost run into Kris at one point - no wonder he caressed Kris's arm to let him know he's there before grapping his hips?? and dancing behind him??? during Behind those eyes. It's cafe de la danse after all.
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Def thinking "THIS is how we'll trend on tumblr tonight" right after the famous dance
Everybody's waiting and soooooo many people raised hands when Bojan asked in his spiel before the song if anyone here suffers from panic or anxiety attacks, and I think it made everyone feel less alone. He sang I'm the problem it's me -line to make things a bit lighter before proceeding to the song.
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We got Omamljeno Telo and I felt SOOOO HAPPY (but also sad for Moonu) but also SOOOO HAPPY it was on the setlist, I think I screamed VITTU JES on top of my lungs (manifesting it for Ruisrock huh). Famous water spray on Jan during OT, and it shows I've grown old, because instead of "yeeeess I want Bojan's spit on me" I went "rat disease, why am I not wearing a mask".
Everyone sang along during CD, not in French though even if there was a fanproject French translation published a whole 28 hours before(....). Plastika hit like a hammer once again, but I think I was already waiting and stressing for UM, so I didn't mosh for example. Which, good idea, because my neck was soooo sore after Helsinki.
Bojan announced the karaoke song, and asked which versions we have today. He saw my sign, asked "Slovenian version?", to which I "said" (from 4th row on Jan+Nace side) Finnish version, and he heard it and corrected himself and said perfect. I was not afraid at all even if I knew I'm probs going to sing in front of about 500 people in 5ish minutes???? How??? I'm usually a ball of anxiety but here I was just proud and excited to sing my version of it.
I loved the Bretogne/French version (I've still no idea what were the words, but it rhymed super well and she sang well, but that was def NOT paris region French), cringed at some of the "translations" because they did not fit the lines and did not rhyme, sang along to Slovenian versions in Finnish, felt bad for one of them as the karaoke singer started at the wrong moment and Bojan spent most of their special moment trying to orchestrate the band.
When Bojan approached with "I think we still have a Slovenian version, OH NO, A FINNISH VERSION" I chortled, and felt the last bits of nervousness disappear. (Cue "some boat, titanic, oh no".) I had my ACTUALLY finger pointing moment, which, on point with my personality, telling him it's a hybrid version. I don't know what he meant with SUOMI SAA, but it was NOT full-on Suomi SAATANA, that much is certain. I quite like the idea/interpretation he was making a pun with SAA(tan)Are you ready? But who knows. Sad about missed chance to answer "ArE YoU???" now that I think about it, but at least I wasn't the only one who failed the moment :') . Speaking of cursewords though, a histronic youngster next to me did shout vittu though! I loved my spot but she was super annoying throughout the evening.
The Finnish version is in the beginning of this one, and the Arabic version right after Finnish version is AMAZING. The French version is on the first part, as well as Bojan going "uuu Finnish version? perfect".
Started in Slovene, which made him have a Ok?? face, but when I switched to my own Finnish version that rhymes with the Slovene version, he raised his brows and seemed so impressed that I just nodded to him, sending telepath(et)ic messages that yes, our languages match and rhyme, about time you collaborate with Jere. I think he remembered I asked for a hug in the afternoon, because he did not hug everyone during karaoke. Afternoon hug was better btw.
I love his little surprised smile right when I finish the first Finnish line on this one
I usually think quite a lot about how other people perceive me, but now I didn't give a single fuck, just enjoyed being the main character for 20 seconds, having this interaction with my blorbo. Forever grateful for the 4 different angles I received from friends I made in the queue, and 1 from a random guy who asked me after the concert if I'd like to receive a video he took of me singing. Even Vita was filming the whole thing with her big light + camera + phone ensemble. I often sing in my car, and even IMAGINING i'm singing karaoke makes my voice suddenly tiny and weak and compressed, so I'm overflowingly glad it went this well, you have no idea even if I've just bragged about it for 4 paragraphs.
I later realised I was the only one who didn't hold the mic themself, this is a clear example how I objectify the boys, seeing Bojan just as a mic stand.🫣😵‍💫
I got fluent Kiitos from Bojan, that guy needs to move to Finland he speaks Finnish so well. Also LMAO I forgot to sniff him in the afternoon, now I'm praying the snifff I took after karaoke wasn't too evident and doesn't show on Vita's video……….. Jere is wrong, Bojan does not smell like shit, but there were no parfume smell either? He just smells like nothing in a pleasant, pheromone rich way lol.
my translation: Sanje so tvojega okusa Aamuihin taas tuoksusi Neula ei haarukassa Sieluni on hukassa Etsimässä tietään luoksesi
I haven't figured how to translate the first line. I've been playing with "Makus' on tarrannut uniini", but it does not rhyme with the og well enough. Otherwise super proud of my version. Neula and haarukka are parts of compass, basically saying the compass is layed on the map the wrong way. 🧭
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This is how small the place was??? I was in 3/4th row, and the hat guy in the right corner was right behind me during the concert so the club truly was tiny.
Apparently bubbles were not allowed on stage in Cafe de la danse? But some people had brought their own so we had bubbles anyway.
Jure exchanged his drumstick to a breadstick. I laughed because a) it was a clever pun and b) such a stereotypically French thing to bring a BAGUETTE wrapped in a napkin to a concert. Also no wonder boys are always sick, I don't even want to know how many people touched that bread before it was on stage.
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Life is pain (in mouths)
We waited for the boys after the concert outside the venue in the rain, and they walked past quite quickly. Bojan stayed for 30 seconds to take a group selfie. <3
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Honestly so happy I traveled there and met amazing people and surpassed myself on so many levels.
I feel like 2004 again, because that's when I last made a post this long on livejournal and also when I last was this hyped about a group.
I loved band's AMAZING OUTFITS in Café de la danse, everyone had some idrija lace on them, and I'm afraid my next special interest will be bobbin lace.
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booklove22 · 2 years ago
4x08 things I’m obsessing over:
Ace (in Nancy’s body) taking off her necklace so that Nancy (in Ace’s body) could wear it because he knows how important it is to her.
Nancy admitting she had been trying to learn ASL “I’d been watching videos when we were…” JFC SHE WANTED TO BE ABLE TO TALK TO HER FUTURE FATHER IN LAW
Ace being the only Drew Crew member to know it was the 1 year anniversary of Kate’s death “I know what you lost a year ago today.”
The Ace/Thom convo “Nancy…just didn’t work out. We tried to stay apart but…can’t. Even if it hurts, we’re just…better together.”
The Nace phone call scene. “I’m a better person with you in my life.” “I’m not happy unless you’re in mine.”
I mean, my god the video edits this week are going to be stellar.
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anxious-witch · 1 year ago
Inertia 7
Summary: Newton's first law expresses the principle of inertia: the natural behavior of a body is to move in a straight line at constant speed. In the absence of outside influences, a body's motion preserves the status quo.
Jan choose a direction of his life the moment he walked out of his parents house and cut all contact with them. He didn't want anything to do with them, or God anymore. Even his soulmark he wished he could leave behind. But when Nace Jordan joins the band, with a mark matching his own, can Jan keep going the same way he did? Or will the force make him change a direction?
Pairings: Jan Peteh/Nace Jordan
Warnings: None, I think? Please do tell me if I'm wrong I'll edit ot immediately
Notes: AO3 link
urprise! Early update of the last chapter. Thank you everyone who made it this far, especially people who consistently commented throughout. I have several things to say before you jump right in.
1) I am aware JO didn't actually preform at the EMA, but since this is already and au and I really liked the concept of the scene, it is here. Just roll with it 2) There will (hopefully) be two fics following this one, one with the focus on Bojan and the other on Kris. I am not sure exactly when I'll be writing and post them though, since December is quite busy, but until then, at least this is finished.
Anyway, this part is pretty much all fluff and very cheesy at the end, but I figured we all deserved it after all the angst
I believe that witness is a magnitude of vulnerability. That when I say love what I mean is not a feeling nor promise of a feeling. I believe in attention. My love for you is a monolith of try.
The woman I love pays an inordinate amount of attention to large and small objects. She is not described by anything. Because I could not mean anything else,
she knows exactly what I mean.
Once upon a time a line saw itself clear to its end. I have seen the shape of happiness. (y=mx+b) I am holding it. It is your hand.
What Space Faith Can Occupy By TC Tolbert
Jan wondered if light green walls of the therapist's office were suppose to somehow elevate the space. Made it seem more colorful.
Personally, it only reminded him more if a hospital.
Still, just as in all previous sessions, he had to remind himself he wasn't there just for himself. Kris had been genuinely worried after his breakdown. Jure and Bojan didn't know about it, but they likely suspected something had transpired.
He would need to tell Bojan about him and Nace eventually. But that, at least, was a problem for future Jan.
There was also Nace to think about. In the past three weeks, there had been slow, almost painful progress made between them. Still, he was trying. That counted for something, right?
He turned his attention back to the matter at hand.
His therapist was a young woman, Jan would guess somewhere in her thirties. She hat jet black hair and looked perfectly put together. She reminded him of Kris in that regard.
Which made sense, considering he only got a spot so quickly due to Kris' connections. Jan really, really didn't want to think about how he managed that.
"So, Jan," Nina said, "do you want us to continue on where we stopped last time, or do you have something from this week you'd like to discuss?"
Her voice was unkind, or even cold, but Jan still had to force himself to talk sometimes. His trust issues weighted heavily on him in moment like these.
"Well, no. Except that Nace and I actually went to play basketball, but I mentioned we will last week anyway."
Nina patiently waited for him to continue. When he didn't, she spoke again.
"How was it?"
Jan sighed. It was awful. Jan felt genuinely bad for even going along with it, considering how much Nace hated any sport that you had to play with the ball. It ended when Nace didn't manage to catch the ball one time Jan threw it. It hit him in the face and made his nose bleed.
Jan supposed there was a metaphor there somewhere.
"It wasn't great. Nace is...really bad at basketball."
She quickly wrote something down and Jan tried his best not to feel judged.
"And how did you feel about it?"
"Shitty, I guess. I didn't make him play, but it kind of felt like I did."
Nina tapped her pen to the notes.
"From what I have here, it seems Nace usually initiates these activities and they seem to be activities you like. Am I correct?"
Jan shrugged.
"And what do you think about that?"
How many times could she ask him that? Wasn't she supposed to tell him what to think about that? Jan felt increasingly annoyed.
"Why do you keep asking that? If you want to say something, then say it."
She pursed her lips.
"I am not here to tell you how to feel, Jan. I am here to help you verbalize it."
That was the dumbest fucking answer he ever heard.
"I already said I feel bad about it. What more do you want me to say?"
"Have you thought about doing the same for him?"
Jan paused. He haven't. Or well-he had, but he wasn't really sure there was an activity Nace liked that they could do together.
"I don't know if we have anything in common. Other than music, I mean. I know he is trying, but maybe this wasn't a good idea, after all."
Nina nodded, his face neutral. Always so goddamn neutral.
"Have you talked to him about it?"
"What, and break his heart? He'd just try even harder. I don't-"
I don't know what to say to make him give up on me. Jan clenched his teeth.
"I think you should consider trying one of his activity. Surely, there is something he likes that you don't hate."
Jan took in a deep breath. He was fighting the urge to mess up his nails even more, but if he started bleeding during practice again, even Bojan will notice.
"I guess. But that doesn't solve the main issue, does it?"
Nina sighed.
"Alright. How about you think about it, and we talk about something else for the rest od the session?"
Jan agreed and they moved on, but the thought stayed with him. Was he simply not putting enough effort?
The question haunted him enough for him to drive to Nace's apartment few hours later. He only sent him a text asking if he was home, and once he got a confirmation, he sat in the car and drove here.
It was probably rude, but Jan figured that if Nace had an issue with him being rude, they wouldn't be here in the first place.
It wasn't until he rang the doorbell and heard the barking did he remember Nace had a dog. Ollie.
He knew that, of course. It was just that the two of them usually met outside of Nace's apartment and several times they came here, Ollie was being babysat by Nace's sister.
Well. Jan supposed it was bound to happen to or later. If Ollie hated him, did that mean he was immediately disqualified from soulmate status?
Nace opened the door, trying to keep Ollie from rushing into the hallway. Jan felt caught off guard, despite the fact that he was the one who rang the doorbell.
Nace was wearing a tank top. Had Jan ever seen him in one before?
"Please get in before he runs out, I don't feel like trying to catch him."
Jan quickly stepped into the apartment and Nace closed the door behind him. The Nace carefully let Ollie come closer.
Jan kneeled down, offering his hand for him to sniff at. He liked dogs well enough, but he was always at a bit of a loss on what to do with them.
Cats you had to build a bond with. Usually just being in their general vicinity was enough at the start. You let them come to you. Even if you offered them treats, you had to leave them at the same distance at first.
Dogs? Dogs were unpredictable. They could love you or hate you your smell. Or whatever it was that they could feel around you.
"Dogs can always tell if a person is good or bad", his brother used to say. Jan, who had dogs both love and hate him for no clear-cut reasons over the years, couldn't quite agree.
Dogs could feel something, certainly. But that something was only a first impression and they choose that intangible thing as a base to be loyal or not.
Cats, at least got to know you first before making any judgments.
Ollie sniffed his hand and cocked his head to the side, as if trying to gauge if he was alright or not.
"Hello," Jan said awkwardly.
Ollie came closer, nudging his snout against his hand and Jan carefully petted him on the head, waiting to see the reaction. When he started wagging his tail, Jan felt relieved.
Nace's dog hating him wasn't something he wished to deal with. There were plenty of other things that made him want to turn back and run away.
"He seems to like you," Nace said softly.
One bad call he share with his owner, Jan thought grimly as he stood up.
"That's good. I think we should talk."
Nace sighed.
"As much as I love how direct you are, that sounds very ominous."
Jan simply took his shoes off and shrugged off his jacket.
Ollie followed them as they went into the living room. Jan wondered if they were creating some sort of bad karma for the place, having all their fucked up conversations here.
Or perhaps he spent too much time around Bojan and his superstitiousness was starting to rub off of him.
"Do you want something to drink first or-"
"How about we just get this over with and then after you can offer me stuff if you want me to stay?"
Nace awkwardly sank into the couch, far enough that Jan would have to stretch to be able to touch him, despite his long arms. Was it for his own comfort, or for Jan's?
They were closer physically since they talked the last time. Sitting closer, hand brushing against each other, squeezing each other's shoulders on occasion. That sort of thing.
Now, though, there was no of that. As if Nace was already getting used to the distance. Which Jan supposed was fair, even if he felt a familiar burning at the soulmark.
Before Jan could say anything, though, Ollie jumped on the couch and attempted to nuzzled at his chest. Jan felt thrown off balance a bit as he petted him, which only prompted Ollie to settle in his lap.
"I don't think I am doing this whole thing right," Jan confessed, not taking his eyes off Ollie.
"Could you please be more specific?"
Jan scratched behind Ollies ear. Matej's dog liked that. Ollie made a content sound so Jan continued.
"You keep putting so much effort into liking things that I like and trying them out. And I-I mean I can do it too, but I don't know if it's even right. Like, shouldn't we already have matching interests? Is it even healthy if we both have to change?"
He took his hands off Ollie and clenched them in frustration. He hated how his tongue always felt like lead when he was supposed to talk about these things. He harshly pulled at his hair and tied it back with the tie around his wrist.
"This works like any other relationship would, Jan."
Jan scoffed.
"Does it? I don't remember any of my friends tailoring their interests to fit me."
Nace took in a deep breath. Jan learned he always did that when he was frustrated, like he was stopping himself from saying anything before he was ready.
"Really? Kris never tried listening to metal for you? He knows you favorite brand of tea on accident? You always keep ear plugs in your car if he gets overstimulated because, what? You did that before you were friends?"
Jan felt speechless.
"Different? Yeah, of course it is, because this is Kris we are talking about."
Nace sounded resigned. Hurt, even. Jan slowly looked at him, but now it was Nace avoiding his gaze. He was staring at his hands, his expression troubled.
"I don't mean to say discard your and Kris' friendship. I think it's amazing you have him, but I'm jealous. Not because I think there is anything going on, but because you seem to allow others to get close to you while keep me at arms length. And I don't know what to do at this point to change your mind."
Jan's heart squeezed painfully. He never heard Nace so resigned. He was always the one to try and find a solution and not give up.
He gently set Ollie on the couch, despite his small, protesting whine. Then he stood up sat closer to Nace. Close enough that their shoulders touched. This time, he was the one to take Nace's hands in his.
"I'm sorry. You are right."
Nace's head slowly rose, like he barely dared to be hopeful and look at Jan straight on.
"I was, well I am scared. We said we'll be friends, but I don't think I can be your friend. From the moment we met, I kept you at arm length and for one single moment I didn't, we ended up hooking up. You terrify me, Nace."
Nace's breath stuttered. Jan leaned his forehead against Nace's and closed his eyes.
"I had all but convinced myself everything about soulmates was bullshit, that all that was stories and people kept confirming them because they were desperate for it to be true. But that was all it was, a placebo effect. And then you came along. Shattered everything I thought I knew."
For a moment, there was silence. Then Nace's hand touched his neck, just a bit below the soulmark. Jan took in a deep, shuddering breath.
"May I?"
The first time Nace touched the soulmark, Jan was too terrified to even appreciate the sensation. But he did now. The feeling was warm and safe. Jan expected his heart to race, but instead it calmed down, as if soothed by Nace's touch.
Something about a gesture made something deep inside him uncoil and words just started pouring out of him.
"When I was fifteen, I started secretly listening to metal. The first time I did, I felt so guilty, I ended up crying and not allowing myself to eat for a day, as a penance. For weeks, I had been worse off than if I had never listened to it. It took me months to gather the courage to try again."
Jan hoped Nace would understand he was saying. He wasn't sure he could say it outright. Nace hummed.
"You are afraid, but you also know that doesn't mean this is bad because you are afraid."
Jan nodded, but Nace didn't say anything immediately after. When he finally spoke, he didn't say what Jan expected him to.
"When I was twelve, I was bullied a lot because of my weight. I remember being terrified of going to school. The only place I felt safe in was the church, because nobody bullied me there. I felt safe. Even if the conditions and rules weren't perfect, it was still better."
Jan opened his eyes, almost indignantly.
"I am not a church."
Nace cracked a small smile.
"No. But you are a safe space, even if the conditions and rules you impose aren't perfect."
Jan's answer was to kiss him. Not roughly, like he did before, but softly and slowly. Giving Nace time to pull away.
He didn't, instead he kissed him back and pulled him closer. One of Jan's hands curled around Nace's nape and the other reached for his wrist. He knew exact moment he touched his soulmark, because Nace shivered.
The only way Jan could describe the feeling was that the bond between them sang. Like the world slightly tilted and found a perfect balance.
Like they were perfect together.
Jan had to pull back from the kiss, fighting a near overwhelming fear that washed over him. Nace didn't let him go far this time, instead pulling him in a hug.
"It's okay."
Nace's voice was soft, and he was warm and comfortable and it was almost unbearable.
"I know it's fucking okay," Jan said, his voice breaking.
He buried his head in Nace's chest and hope he didn't feel the tears soaking his shirt. Nace didn't say anything after that, he simply held him as he cried.
Until the tears dried out and the fear slightly pulled back. Still, some doubts remained.
"What if the rules and conditions can't be improved anymore? What if this is just...who I am?"
He pulled back a bit, to study Nace's face as he answered. Unexpectedly, Nace grinned.
"Well, if a church gets a new priest-"
Jan rolled his eyes at the awful joke.
"You've been hanging with Bojan too much."
Nace was still grinning.
"A priest can also recommend new way of worship-"
Jan groaned loudly and pushed Nace back, so he landed on his back, laughing openly. He had a beautiful, infectious laugh that Jan couldn't help but laugh along as well.
"Please don't use church metaphors anymore. They are awful."
Nace stretched his arms over his head, exposing his muscles and tattoos even more. Jan couldn't help, but let his gaze linger on them.
"Make me."
Jan was never the one to avoid temptation. And Nace had always been so tempting. Almost like a red apple in a garden without color. Jan leaned down and kissed him again.
Nace melted into the kiss and reached out to him again. His hands reached Jan's hair and Jan tense slightly, but Nace gently pulled at the tie, until his hair spilled from the ponytail.
Jan was distracted enough by the kiss to let him. He wanted Nace closer and-
They were interrupted by a loud, insistent whine. Jan pulled back enough to look in the direction it came from, finding Ollie looking at them with the saddest expression he could possibly muster.
Nace burst out laughing, his whole body shaking.
"I think he doesn't like me hogging his new favorite."
Jan chuckled, sitting back up. He held his hand out and petted Ollie gently, immediately receiving a lick on his hand.
"Maybe I could have some sort of tea, if the offer still stands," Jan said, not looking away from Ollie.
"It absolutely does. I have mint tea Kris mentioned you liked."
Traitor, Jan thought, giving away my secrets.
"Which one is your favorite?"
Jan turned his head to look, catching a surprise that flitted across his face before it melted in a soft smile.
"Probably chamomile."
Of course. The calming thing one always drank when they felt unwell to soothe and comfort. It fit him.
"I'll remember that."
With that Nace went into the kitchen, and Ollie brough Jan a ball he could throw for him. Jan took in a deep breath, feeling as if he just climbed a mountain. Whatever happened after this, he had a feeling he could handle after.
As terrifying as it could get.
Jan was nervously tapping his fingers against the wheel, resisting the urge to bite his nails. It was not a smart thing to do while driving.
"Are you really not going to tell me where we are going?"
He chuckled a bit at Nace's pleading tone. This really was an unusual role reversal for both of them, wasn't it?
"I told you, it's a surprise."
Nace huffed and settled back in his seat. Jan sneaked a glance at him when he stopped at the red light. Nace had his arms crossed over his chest, his warm brown jacket tightly wrapped around his biceps.
"One would think I am taking you to get shot," Jan teased, turning his gaze back to the road as the light changed to green.
Nace laughed at that, at least, his shoulders relaxing.
"No, I just-I am not used to surprises. You barely gave me any hints on what to wear!"
Jan smirked.
"I said wear something comfortable that you don't mind getting dirty."
He could feel Nace's unimpressed stare on him.
"Very helpful."
Jan chuckled and took a left turn, parking to the side. Nace immediately started glancing around, trying to gauge where they were. Jan couldn't help but think it was kind of cute.
He unbuckled his belt and got out of the car, waiting for Nace to do the same. When he did, he led him to a nearby building.
Nace was frowning, trying to piece together what they were doing. Jan decided to take pity on him.
"It's a pottery class."
His head immediately snapped towards Jan, his eyes widening.
"You are taking me to a pottery class??"
Jan swallowed, growing nervous all of a sudden. Did he misjudge? Did Jure mix something up?
"Jure mentioned you wanted to try it since your sister did pottery. I thought..."
"No! I mean, yes, I love the idea!"
He sounded so eager, so terrified that Jan would change his mind and snatch the offer away from him. Jan felt bad. Was he truly treating him in a way that made him think he'd play him like this for a joke?
"Alright then. Let's go."
There were people inside already, and their teacher quickly introduced himself. He gave them instructions on hand-building techniques with clay, saying they need to get used to that before they can move to the pottery wheel.
The process was messy and Jan underestimate just how bad he was at shaping the clay. When Nace looked over and saw his wonky cup, he doubled over laughing.
Jan side-eyed him, before taking a bit of clay and smearing it over Nace's shirt. Nace gasped.
Then he grabbed a piece of clay and smeared it over Jan's cheek. Jan slapped his hair away, trying to rub it off.
"If this gets into my hair Nace, I swear-"
Nace laughed again and someone shushed them.
"Can you two please let the rest of us work?" A blond man left of them said.
He was short, with blind hair just below his ears. He was frowning at them intently, reminding Jan of an annoyed cat.
His tall, tattooed friend-or partner, how could Jan know, really-gently pulled him by the sleeve.
"Lovro, com'on. They are just having fun. Look at this."
The man, well maybe even a boy, with how soft his features looked, immediately turned to the other man. He looked at him like...oh.
Jan looked at Nace, who was clearly eyeing the situation, seeing if Jan could handle it or if he needed to get involved.
Jan was hit by the sudden realization of how much he had come to care for him. Despite all the back and forth and his own grievances, he was-
He stopped his thoughts before any bigger words came to mind. It was still too early to think that. But maybe it wouldn't be, eventually.
Jan never thought of himself as someone who could settle down and yet that spark of hope still lived, nestled deep in his chest.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Nace asked, titling his head to the side.
Jan shook his head.
"Nothing. Let's try to shape these into something decent before we do that...wheel thing, yeah?"
Nace smiled, like a sudden light igniting in the dark.
As Jan tried to save his clay cup, he suddenly felt bolder. He could ask, right? At worst, Nace will refuse, but when did Nace refuse him before? Jan cleared his throat.
"You could...come over after, if you'd like. You didn't meet Igor yet."
He didn't look up as he asked the question. It would be easier to take a no when he didn't have to worry about which expression he was making.
"You want me to come over?"
There was that tone again. Like Nace was shocked by this. Like Jan wasn't trying to do better for weeks now. He supposed he'd just have to keep trying.
"If you'd like to, yes. I did get some chamomile tea recently."
He sneaked a glance in Nace's direction. His eyes were soft and his mouth was lightly open, as if in wonder. Jan's heart started beating fasted.
"I would like that," Nace said quietly, looking directly at him.
Jan had to look away, but he couldn't help but smile slight. There was slight fear in his stomach still, but there was no ringing of the church bell, or an urge to reach for a necklace that wasn’t there.
He was still himself and he was still in control of it all. Simply taking steps in the right direction. It had been as if he was in inertia for very long time. After being stuck for so long, it was hard to get back into motion, but once he did, he knew it would get easier.
All he had to do was keep moving.
All Jan could hear was a drum of his own heart as they waited for the host to announce them. Thud. Thud. Thud.
It was finally time for them to preform at EMA. To try and get chosen to represent Slovenia at Eurovision. The importance, the fragility of the moment made all the colors more intense, almost as if they were in new, swirling patterns.
Jan took a look at his bandmates. Each of them in a different outfit that fit them perfectly. Bojan, in his loud combination of green shirt and pink pants, that he somehow managed to pull of regardless.
Kris, in a gold sleeves shirt and lighter pink pants that match. Of course-Kris always knew how much attention to draw to himself. Not too much and not too little.
Jure, with sky blue button up that perfectly fit his sunshine personality and darker purple pants for contrast.
All of them looked amazing, really. But it was Nace that Jan couldn't look away from.
Nace, who finally wore color. A purple suit with a silver shirt underneath. The suit had intricated details that made Jan want to run his fingers over the material and feel it's shapes.
When he arrived, he was always pale beige in their mix of chaos and color. Slowly but surely, that changed. And here they were now.
Jan shuffled closer to him, almost as if pulled by an invisible force. He could feel it, but he found it more comforting now, rather than scary.
"Ready?" He whispered, smiling at him.
"Ready," Nace answered, briefly brushing his hand against Jan's.
"And next up, we have Joker Out!"
They stepped on the stage as the people clapped and Jan could feel the adrenaline fully hitting him. He couldn't concentrate on whatever Bojan briefly said before he started singing.
All Jan could focus on was playing. His fingers slid over the strings just as perfectly as they did the very first time he nailed a song when he was sixteen.
Everything else faded away, like looking at the world through a sort of fog. Only music existed. Even Bojan's singing was slightly muted in that moment. Like Jan was alone with his guitar.
Then his gaze slid to Nace and he found him already looking in his direction. Nace, who still had the ability to be in Jan's bubble that one else could touch.
He didn't mind the company, though. Not anymore.
He sent him a little wink and watched as his cheeks turned slightly red. Then he turned back to the audience and took a deep breath. Then let the bubble snap and all the sound and sensations rush back to him.
Because there was never really a need for the bubble at all. Not when he was at the safe space.
There was no divinity here. None other than the music itself, that they shared with the audience.
When they played the last note, there was a thunderous applause and part of Jan already knew. He could feel it in their bones that they won.
The knowing of being at the right place, at the right time. With just the right people, too.
The rest od the night passed in a blur. Jan knew he talked to people, but later he'd be unable to recall what he said. He'd remember the high of the announcement that they won and all of his friends rushing into a group hug.
It wasn't until they all changed back to their everyday clothes and were waiting for Bojan in the cold, that the realization finally started to sink in.
"We won," he whispered into the night air.
"We did," Kris said, smiling.
Whatever makeup they put on him made him look more ethereal than usual. He looked more content than Jan had seen him for awhile.
"What is Bojan doing for so long?" Jure wondered, his eyes lingering on the doors they all cane through.
It was odd. As much as Bojan paid attention to his looks, he never took this long.
"I'll go check," Jan said, getting to his feet.
Jan felt slightly guilty, over how little he talked to Bojan outside of the practice in recent weeks. Being caught up in the whole soulmate dilemma, he didn't take the time to pay as much attention to his friends.
Well, that was another thing he could start fixing now.
He found Bojan in the changing room, completely dressed, but staring off through the window.
"Bojan? Is everything okay?"
Bojan flinched, as if woken up from a very deep sleep. He blinked at Jan, confused.
"Ah, yeah! Yeah, I was just a bit lost in thought. Did you guys wait for me for long?"
Jan stepped closer, putting his hand on Bojan's shoulder. Bojan leaned into the touch, breathing out slowly.
"Are you sure you are alright?"
"I-" Bojan bit his lip, his gaze jumping around the room almost frantically, never staying for long and completely avoiding Jan's face.
"I just...this is a lot. It feels enormous. And of course, of course I am happy we won. It just feels like we set a new course all of a sudden, if that makes sense. Like it feels like my life already changed."
Jan pulled him into a hug. Bojan took in a sharp breath and then relaxed, hugging him back. They just stayed like that for a moment.
"I know. It's terrifying but it's going to be okay. You have us, alright?"
Bojan's arms tightened around him for a bit.
They were silent for a bit and Bojan already pulled away from the hug when Jan spoke again.
"I actually owe you an apology. With how I reacted when you brought up soulmates for all these years."
Bojan shrugged.
"It's fine. I figured it was a sensitive topic."
Jan shook his head.
"Yes but it's not an excuse. I am sorry, Bojan. You were allowed to be excited at prospect of meeting them without me putting you down for it."
He rubbed tips of his fingers against the nail of his thumb. Resisting the urge to mess it up more.
"I won't say I completely understand, even now with Nace. I still very much love being independent from him. But I am saying I understand more."
Bojan smiled, reminding Jan that if Nace was the light in darkness, Bojan was certain a sun, his rays bringing about a new day.
"Thank you for saying that. I am excited to meet her, one day. Whenever destiny decides we are ready."
Jan rolled his eyes, more for the dramatic effect than anything else. That was still extremely cheesy, but it was very on brand for Bojan.
"Sure, lover boy. Now, can we go before the rest of them freeze outside? It is December, y'know?"
Bojan laughed and grabbed his bag. He dramatically pointed to the door.
"To wherever destiny may lead us!"
Jan cracked a smile, unable to keep up the brooding persona.
"To whenever destiny may lead us," he repeated quietly.
Then he stepped over the threshold after Bojan and for the first time in many years he knew everything would be alright. As long as he had his family, soulmate included, by his side, everything would be alright.
No matter the challenges that awaited them.
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seeinganewlight · 1 year ago
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nace week 2023
day 3 → taylor swift ships nace (or other song lyrics)
nace playlist peace → taylor swift
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cmccormickarts346 · 1 month ago
(ARTS346) Week 3 Progress
Feedback from Online Class, Thursday, January 23, 2025
Response from Professor Nace on Screen Design proposal: "My class used Artivive for the AR component of the project. I think you headed in a clearer direction today. There are probably thousands of stories to tell. I would suggest thinking about something that you want to talk about and maybe follow. Example, have you ever gone on the rice field tour at Brookgreen garden? It's amazing if you haven’t. it clearly tells the story of slavery in that area. Perhaps you follow a “slave or slave family” from that time to a more present impact that that culture had on the area. Real or factious characters. Or a sailor that was in the fishing industry. Or what it was like for young women then and now? I think you will have to make a story that people can see themselves in."
Basecamp Message Posted 1/27/2024: Many of you posted moodboards last week when I asked for storyboards. Storyboard is a sequence of events. A timeline, sometimes with images or images and words. Please be sure to be prepared with a storyboard tomorrow. Printed, ready to discuss.
Assigned Reading: The Weaving of Design & Community
Continuing the themes from the previous week's reading, this chapter discusses the idea of combining design and community to express your creative voice and make it heard through your work. One quote that resonates with me is: "It is about humanity, generosity, and characteristics innate to human beings that encourage us to try to make this a better world." (Heller, Steven; Vienne, Véronique. Citizen Designer: Perspectives on Design Responsibility (Function). Kindle Edition.) This statement perfectly encapsulates the importance of using design to strengthen and uplift your community, contributing positively to the world around you.
I can relate this idea to an initial concept I had for my semester-long project for the Process and Systems course: to help revitalize Flemington, New Jersey, by fostering collaboration with local businesses and the art scene. This town holds a special place in my heart, as it was only a 26-minute drive from my hometown, and I spent many formative years there. I have fond memories of attending church at St. Magdalen's, shopping at the local outlets (which included the now-demolished Liberty Village), going to various doctor appointments, and dining with relatives at local restaurants.
Unfortunately, Flemington has fallen into disrepair. The main street is nearly devoid of businesses, the historic buildings are in poor condition, and very few people stroll through the area anymore. During my last visit in November, I kept asking myself if there was a way I could help. I wanted to use my graphic design skills to give back to the town that helped shape who I am today. I envisioned helping it recover in a way similar to Frenchtown's revival, injecting new life into the area.
Initially, I scrapped this concept because I wasn't sure it fit the course criteria, and I lacked the ability to travel back and forth to gather visual imagery and conduct research. However, as I have struggled to form a personal connection to my Murrells Inlet project, I am considering revisiting the idea of helping Flemington, as it is very dear to my heart. I still have a deep love and nostalgia for the town and want to see it succeed in any way I can.
I plan to continue working on the Murrells Inlet project, but I need to decide whether to make this change sooner rather than later, especially since the Screen Design portion of this project is due on February 11th!
Developing & Experimenting with Silkscreen Printing
Inspiration & Video Tutorials
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Link to Original Article:
Taken from Webpage: Think of screen printing as similar to the RISO process!
Remember: RISO is transferring an image onto a thin stencil, called a master. This printing process is similar to screen-printing in the sense that ink is pushed through a prepared stencil.
Screenprinting is a process where ink is forced through a mesh screen onto a surface. Making certain areas of the screen impervious to printing ink creates a stencil, which blocks the printing ink from passing through the screen. The ink that passes through forms the printed image.
The main colors used in screen printing are cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (CMYK), which are considered the "four-color process" and allow for a wide range of colors to be reproduced by mixing them together
*For the best results format your design on tabloid or letter sized paper when possible.
Additional Examples:
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mitamicah · 1 year ago
Watched joker out's ig live and I have notes:
I was pleasantly surprised to see three other danes 😁🇩🇰
My gosh the guys are chaotic xD 🙈
So the single is out .... sooner than soon :'D (but it will be played on the nordic tour so that is nice)
The song is about their experiences woth us fans and everything we and the band has been through together and honestly it sounds so wholesome 🥹
The song doesnt feature violin or kazzoo (the amount of time they said "we can tell you what x thing does not [include]" is insane xD)
Bojan and Nace got bowls for lunch today :3 🍲 (Bojans first bowl xD idk why that was important for the guys to tell but here we are xD)
Kris is Barbie everybody else is just Ken x'D (we got a second long Im Just Ken cover from Bojan btw :3) 💖
The guys will get a horse (exciting news for the previous horse girl ovo) 🐴
There will be one more live on friday AND a secret unplanned one sometime this week but we dont know when 🙈👀👀
Oh and yeah I guess they have a discord server now and are going to reward the best tiktok edits weekly but not important xD
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fifi-goes-to-hollywood · 1 year ago
11, 27, 66
11. Who’s the most eager to have kids?
Nace. He really wants to have a bigger family (2-3 kids), but is aware of their life style and agrees with Jan that one child would be the best. And during the process he’ll be more excited over those little things (Jan will be too as well, but in this case he’ll be the calm one) around building a family.
27. Who will be the one baking banana bread on a Sunday after a week of complete mayhem?
Jan. Because testing another weird flour while baking the bread would call his name. (And would eventually decide that corn flour would go the best)
66. Who would survive the longest in the wild?
Gotta edit; thx @mariamourayoutuber for reminding:
Actually both. Nace will use his scout skills while Jan will be responsible for all those things that require math.
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jokeroutsubs · 3 months ago
[📝ENG Translation]: Souvenir Pop Through the Eyes of Joker Out Members
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Original article written by Boštjan Tušek, published 27.11.2024 on 24ur. Photos by Miro Majcen. English translation by @kurooscoffee, review by drumbeat, proofread IG GBoleyn123.
Full translation under the cut 👇
We visited Joker Out in their rehearsal space, where the band members shared their thoughts on their new album and explained all the songs from their third full-length album, Souvenir Pop, in their own words. The album has already been released on digital platforms and CDs, and they are promising a vinyl edition as well.
About the Title SOUVENIR POP:
Bojan: We were sitting here in the rehearsal space, struggling to find a short, universally understandable way to summarise everything that happened to us during this time. After some serious thought, we realised that the music is essentially a collection of memories—“souvenirs”—that we’ve gathered. For the first time in our lives, we traveled so much and spent so much time away from home. Everything was very “pop,” and we lived out all the pop star dreams we used to admire. We shortened this journey into “pop,” making it a souvenir pop journey.
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Photo: Joker Out recently unveiled their third album, Souvenir Pop. Together with Bojan, Kris, Jan, Nace, and Jure, we analysed all the songs on the album. PHOTO: Miro Majcen.
On the Cover Photo Taken in Bed:
Jure: The cover photo was born long before the album got its title. It was captured on the morning of the semifinals last May in Liverpool. We kept it under wraps for almost a year and a half. We liked it already back then and immediately thought it could one day work as an album cover. When we started looking for a cover, it still best reflected our feelings.
Bojan: It was taken on an iPhone during the filming of a promotional video, so basically a completely randomly captured moment.
On the “Circus” Surrounding Them Because of the New Album:
Kris: What's particularly noticeable is the mental and emotional fragmentation. The songs are quite diverse and colourful, and at first glance, they didn’t seem to belong on the same album. But as Bojan said, they remind us of fridge magnets, which perhaps reflects that we were “all over the place,” and that we were exploring ourselves on a broader musical, lyrical, and instrumental level than usual.
Nace: You can tell the songs are “hyped up” because we were in that mindset. Different things influence you, and it would have been quite different if we had stayed home for a month before that instead of being on tour.
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PHOTO: Miro Majcen.
On Lack of Time:
Kris: We had to intentionally carve out time to write and record songs. We spent two months in London, a month in Hamburg, and last year we took a week in Kočevje to work on 'Everybody’s Waiting'. Carpe Diem took 14 days. We were maybe even under a bit of pressure, knowing we had to produce something.
On Three Languages on the Album:
Bojan: We spent a lot of time with all three languages; speaking, listening, and thinking in them. The stories naturally emerged in all three languages, and we didn’t resist that because it would have been truly foolish.
I see language as just another tool for conveying information, like how a specific guitar effect suits one song but not another.
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PHOTO: Miro Majcen.
On Egos:
Bojan: Egos have to clash because they’re an important part of our drive. I wouldn’t say our egos fight; they occasionally disagree, but everything generally moves in the same direction—to create something the five of us like. We have a healthy dose of competitiveness, and we’ve never truly had a fight. We separate the person from the musician, which I think is important.
Kris: There was never much ego, but for this album, we threw out what little was left. On this record especially, we faced moments where someone else did something on your instrument that you should have done. But that opened new possibilities and ideas—a fresh perspective. This happened to all of us except Bojan with vocals.
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Kris: Today, a friend sent me a message from Venice; they were playing 'Carpe Diem'. Last year, we made it onto the top 40 charts of a Lithuanian radio station. PHOTO: Miro Majcen.
Comments on the songs from the album SOUVENIR POP:
1. MUZIKA ZA DECU (Serbo-Croatian):
Bojan: When the idea came to me, I was thinking about how much I liked what was coming out of the speakers; quite grown up. Then I had a flash of cynicism and sarcasm: it’s all just for girls, for kids. Hence, “muzika za decu” (music for children). Initially, it was called Zlatna kosica (Golden hair), haha. I wrote the intro, then improvised the rest of the lyrics in Hamburg while we were playing it.
Nace: You might have changed two words.
Kris: The intro I play on guitar was originally done by Bojan on the piano. While recording, I was strumming along, imagining a piano intro. But when we listened to it later, everything felt so wrong that we started liking it. That’s how it stayed. We recorded it all together in one room, in one go.
Bojan: Žare was thrilled that he had to “clean up” the vocals (laughs), which we recorded in the kitchen.
Jure: This is one of the songs which features guest performers; a children’s choir at the end.
Nace: The kids from our crew and their relatives sang. The first group sang too in tune, so we recorded another group that was a bit less perfect. In the end, we combined the two recordings, and it turned out just right. There were about 15 to 20 kids altogether.
Jan: The guitar sound came from my Whammy pedal, which the producer Žare Pak didn’t always like, haha.
Nace: We have to commend Žare for producing in such a way that everything unnecessary is stripped away. He never hides anything like some other producers might.
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PHOTO: Miro Majcen.
2. ŠTA BIH JA (Serbo-Croatian):
Kris: This was the first song we created in London. Within a week, we already had the structure, though it initially resembled Bijelo Dugme. Some elements were later removed.
Nace: Yeah, Žare came in and said, “Guys, this is unnecessary” (laughs).
Kris: His reaction was hilarious. When he heard it, he said, “Did I send you to the UK to make yugo music?!” (laughs). It was our first Balkan reaction to being foreigners in a foreign country, and it just poured out of us. Bojan already had the lyrics “šta bih ja u ovoj crnoj noći bez tebe radio” (what would I do in this dark night without you), and we recorded it.
Bojan: I actually prefer hearing my voice in Serbo-Croatian over Slovenian, the position of the voice seems more natural.
Jure: It's interesting how the colour of Bojan's voice changes with different languages, which is actually quite normal.
Kris: Yeah, Bojan, in a 'Balkan language,' your rocker alter ego comes out even more, I think.
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PHOTO: Miro Majcen.
3. CARPE DIEM (Slovenian):
Bojan: This is the original souvenir. And pop. It’s hard to believe how one song can change everything for you like that. It’s literally just one of our songs; not necessarily better than the others, maybe not even one of my favourites. But as our Eurovision entry, it perfectly conveyed our message. The whole story and image of the band are captured in those three minutes. It’s an excellent channel for our energy, which got people to believe in us and become interested.
Kris: Today, a friend sent me a message from Venice; they played 'Carpe Diem' there. Last year, we were on the Lithuanian radio top 40 charts.
Bojan: The most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen in my life was when an older Mongolian singer and his band played and sang Carpe Diem live at a reception for our president, Nataša Pirc Musar, in Ulaanbaatar. We also received a recording from Zanzibar, where someone played it on a hotel terrace.
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Bojan: I wouldn’t say our egos fight; they occasionally disagree, but everything generally moves in the same direction—to create something we all like. PHOTO: Miro Majcen.
4. STEPHANIE (English):
Bojan: Of course, Stephanie isn’t really Stephanie, but these are real people who exist.
Jure: I didn’t have any part in this one since there are no drums; everything is programmed (laughs).
Nace: Yeah, everything was done by Casio, haha.
Kris: For many songs, we had a sample beat to practice with, and in some cases, it stayed in the final version. 'Stephanie' is one of those songs as well.
5. AKO TOGA VIŠE NEČE BITI (Serbo-Croatian):
Bojan: You believe in Santa Claus until you realise he doesn’t exist. It’s the same with love; until something destroys everything so thoroughly that you simply stop believing in it. This is a song about very raw disappointment with love.
Nace: I’m in a long-term relationship, and when you leave home, it’s a sacrifice both partners make. In the spirit of it being good for both of you and your partner supports it, everything is okay.
Kris: Full respect to your partner for enduring how you went from ‘zero to a hundred’ in six months.
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Nace: We have to commend Žare for producing in such a way that everything unnecessary is stripped away. PHOTO: Miro Majcen
6. BLUZA (Serbo-Croatian):
Bojan: I wrote 'Bluza' a long time ago, up to the chorus, about three years ago. For a long time, nothing happened with it until I presented it to the guys on an acoustic guitar. From there, it developed quickly, in a day or two. We even played it on tour before its release. Initially, it was more guitar-driven than it is now. The title, 'Bluza', literally just comes from the lyric “u ritmu tvoga bluza” (in the rhythm of your blues), but I quite like it.
Jan: A lot of our songs are titled after a phrase from the first verse that has no connection to the chorus.
Bojan: Similarly, back in university, my friends kept nagging me about 'Gola' (Naked), why we gave it that title, but nobody thought of the phrase “za naju” (for us), haha.
Kris: It’s probably because, during the creative process, we repeat the first part a lot, and that phrase naturally becomes the title.
Bojan: The story of a song always takes shape in the first verse.
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PHOTO: Miro Majcen
7. LIPS (English):
Bojan: We heard there’s a lot of money in music for films, so the song sounds like an apocalyptic ballad (laughs). Initially, it was quite Franz Ferdinand-esque. We even considered a duet with a French singer but didn’t have a clear vision, so we dropped the idea. Later, Žare and I restructured it, and then Nace tied everything together into a cohesive piece.
Jure: The song went through quite a few iterations.
Nace: Originally, it was a completely different song called 'Je t'aime'.
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PHOTO: Miro Majcen
8. MESTO DUHOV (Slovenian):
Bojan: Trumpeter Luka Ipavec collaborated on this track, adding trumpet parts to the choruses. We created it in England and named it after the street we were living on; it had quite a dark vibe. Initially, the song was about a girl who cheated on me, leading to my suicide. Then we introduced the “papapapa” part, creating an atmosphere of a funeral, a procession. When we decided the song should be in Slovenian, we tied it to how the current social climate feels incredibly negative overall. People are always ready to quickly react to something negative. It’s no longer pleasant to go outside; everything reflects the weight of what’s happening around us. There’s unfortunately an air of superficiality around us.
Jan: The solo came to life in Hamburg. Later, when we were finishing the songs, I had the idea to rhythmically slice the solo so that it spells out “baby boo” in Morse code.
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Jan: A lot of our songs are titled after a phrase from the first verse that has no connection to the chorus. PHOTO: Miro Majcen
9. SONCE (Slovenian):
Jan: I play the keyboards on this one. Bojan had already outlined the song on guitar with chords. The idea was to create something orchestral, like in 'Novi val'. I, however, approached it differently and arranged the piano part. I showed Bojan a melody that, in my view, reflects the essence of the song.
Bojan: This song is a direct reaction to events in Palestine. It’s the story of a deceased son speaking to his mother. It’s undoubtedly the most emotionally heavy song on the album. The structure is also unconventional; no part repeats, and the chorus appears only once. Jan captured perfectly what the vocals are saying with his piano part. It’s like a haiku, a single thought; not a classic pop song. Jan nailed the final take on his first try.
Kris: We could quickly get stuck creatively if everyone only insisted on their own instruments. Many songs only broke through when someone pressed something different. There were many moments where we needed that kind of freshness.
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PHOTO: Miro Majcen
Kris: This was a song we didn’t know what to do with until Žare offered the most basic beat, and Jan started working with the Rhodes electric piano, which set the direction for the album.
Bojan: Jan picked up the Rhodes out of nowhere and according to Žare, he plays better than 90 percent of Slovenian keyboardists (laughs).
Kris: Žare’s modus operandi is to break your conventional thinking and enhance your intuition. He believes intuition is superior to thinking.
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PHOTOS: Miro Majcen
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